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Social law

So-called social law is a separate field in the area of ​​legal structure and extends to an almost confusing regulatory structure. The current twelve volumes of the Social Code (SGB I - XII) by no means contain the complete regulation of all social law aspects. Social law regulations can be found in the law on old-age security for farmers, BAföG, the Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act, the Federal Child Benefit Act, etc. 

It would go too far to go into detail. Not all of them, but some specific areas are part of our consulting focus in which we have the corresponding expertise. Many aspects of wages and salary (compulsory social insurance), labor law (job seekers; occupational safety; ...) and insurance law play a role in social law or are regulated by social law. 

We advise you in many sub-areas of social law; a corresponding request must be examined and discussed on a case-by-case basis. In general, it can be assumed that we can advise and represent clients on general questions of social law, as far as the normal area of ​​life in employment and insurance protection law is concerned. Of course, we also represent clients in dealings with authorities and in court.

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