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corporate law

The need and the right as well as the possibility to organize oneself in associations or communities goes back to the earliest times of our development. As soon as possession or ownership (regulated depending on the culture) was possible and enforceable, general and recognized regulations were required. 

The more developed and complex the economic structures became, the more complicated the company law required for this became. The basic principles still refer to the Civil Code, and depending on the type of company, the special regulations required were then anchored in separate laws. 

We advise and represent in almost all legal questions relating to company law. If we are not competent or our capabilities are exceeded, we can help with the selection and coordination with and of appropriately qualified and efficient law firms. 

One of our special focuses is on advising (long-standing) family businesses, as well as the structures of families in the social environment. It is not always possible or sensible for the descendants to continue the company. A break-up, dissolution or, in the worst case, a loss-making insolvency-like transfer to financial investors is often the result of a lack of foresight. Of course, one would like to keep companies built up over generations in the family, but just as naturally, the skills and interests are wide-ranging and do not necessarily have to correspond to those of the company founders. The classic generational progression has often led to significant problems. There are now increasingly proven and accepted structures that keep the assets in the family, offer clear rules and allow tasks and responsibilities to be taken on internally and externally according to objectively measurable criteria. Identifying such possibilities and restructuring requires a gentle and consensual process, at the end of which there can be a holistic solution and recognized regulation for the future.

Establishment of companies
  • Choice of legal form (which company is the right one for the intended purpose)
  • Tax consequences
  • Establishment, implementation and termination
  • Design of the partnership agreement
  • Taking into account special cases such as marriage and divorce, death, change of shareholders
Conversion and structuring
  • Change of legal form, merger, division, accretion of companies
  • Structuring of liability risks (real estate outside the company)
  • Conversions; use of book value continuation, taxes on hidden reserves
Adaptation of partnership agreements
  • Admission of new shareholders
  • Departures
  • Support in out-of-court settlement of disputes
  • Court representation in legal disputes
Family businesses
  • Holistic advice for families (companies)
  • Discussion of family-friendly regulations
  • Family office; legal and tax advice as well as controlling of the investment structure (no asset management)
  • Family compliance - design and support of family structures through the generations
  • Design and adaptation of family-specific company and Succession planning
  • Advice on the tax consequences of the various options
Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Advice on company purchases and sales (tax and legal)
  • Conversions
  • Sale and purchase of company real estate

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