Blick auf Stadt

Platzl 4 (Orlando Haus)
D-80331 München
Phone +49 (0)89 224655
(no eMail in case of deadlines)
Datev digitale Kanzlei Sevdesk Digitaler Partner silber


In an ever-changing world, our goal is to provide you with the best possible service:

fast, secure and uncomplicated.

Rely on tax and legal advice that keeps up with the times. Let us master your (tax) legal challenges together - efficiently and tailored to your needs. We work 100% digitally in our office. This means that all documents are available electronically. This means that we can quickly and easily access all documents made available to us and send you all official documents without wasting time, saving you the hassle of filing them in analog format.

We use the highest security standards so that your data is fully protected even in the digital age.

The be-all and end-all of a successful switch to digital processes is consistent adherence to a defined process. A document that exists digitally must disappear from the workflow. Nowadays it is standard to only produce and/or receive documents digitally.

Digital communication
  • encrypted emails (one way; s/mime; pgp
  • video conferences
  • upload and download large files via our secure server
  • digital signature (you only sign with SMS-TAN or qualified signature)
digital document management
  • digital file management
  • full-text search with OCR recognition
  • joint location-independent document access (cloud)
  • use of innovative digital tools
digital accounting / Datev online
  • automated digital receipt recording in the company (location-independent, i.e. also home office)
  • direct payment route from the receipt to the bank (at the push of a button)
  • full-text search across all receipts (you can find the invoice by searching for keywords or amounts)
  • automated linking of receipts with bank account movements
  • digital cooperation tools for travel expense recording and personnel management

Unternehmen Online Workflow

digital income tax / MyTax
  • provision of documents using a cloud solution
  • paperless workflow
  • receipt filing organized and digital
  • digital tax assessments

MyTax Workflow

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