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D-80331 München
Phone +49 (0)89 224655
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"Good advice does not have to be expensive ..."

Blick in einen Besprechungsraum

As lawyers, we naturally represent our clients in all contentious matters in court. 

Except in civil law matters before the Federal Court of Justice, we can act in all courts. 

In the case of a targeted violation of law (e.g. intellectual property rights), quick and effective legal protection is necessary. 

In addition (and this is the primary goal of effective legal advice), all forms of dispute avoidance and out-of-court conflict resolution are part of our field of activity. A legal dispute should be the last alternative. The best basis for avoiding disputes are clear agreements that precisely regulate the disputed aspect. Finding a good solution is not always easy because no one can foresee all cases. 

The main goal is therefore systematic, comprehensive support for our clients' entire contract and regulatory framework. In addition to the creation of contracts of all kinds tailored to individual cases, this also includes the "maintenance" and upkeep of the regulatory framework that is used on an ongoing basis (general terms and conditions, delivery and service conditions, license agreements, etc.). These contracts or contractual terms, which are often forgotten, require constant monitoring and adjustment.

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